Ghost Size Muscle Builder

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Ghost Lifestyle Size is new school meets old school, clinically dosed, packed to the nines, transparent AF, muscle builder conceived to make gains faster than photoshop. Add to Ghost Legend or Whey for added gains/more life.

Ghost Lifestyle Size features:

  • New School Meets Old School Creatine Combo
  • 3.21g Creatine HCL, 2.84g Creatine Monohydrate Delivering 5g Total
  • Full 200mg Dose of Epicatechin
  • Full Clinical Dose Betaine & Beta-Alanine
  • Astragin® to Aid in Total Absorption

New school (Creatine HCl) meets old school (Creatine Monohydrate) Creatine combination added to maximize efficacy, absorption and solubility.

Ghost Size contains the first ever "Full Yield Creatine" delivering 5G of actual yielded Creatine per scoop. You're right, most brands add 5G of Creatine, but because Creatine isn't 100% pure you're left with much less than 5G of actual delivered Creatine. At Ghost they cherish every gram (and the gains that come along with them), so we've beefed up our Creatine (3.21G HCl & 2.84G Monohydrate) to ensure you're getting the full, delivered 5G dose in every scoop.

For Ghost, Betaine was a no-brainer, as it works hand in hand with Creatine to deliver some pretty epic muscle building benefits. While results can be seen with as little as 500MG, at Ghost it's clinically dosed or bust, so rest assured you're getting the full 2.5G dose in every serving.

The strongest clinical studies on Beta-Alanine point to 3.2G+ of Beta-Alanine per day and suggest achieving that in split dosages. For this reason, Ghost has added 2G Beta-Alanine per scoop in Ghost Legend and 2G Beta-Alanine per scoop in Ghost Size to ensure you're getting the full clinical dose every day...Ghost have your back legends.

Ghost Size