

Protein helps build muscle and burn fat. It’s the number one supplement you can add to your diet in order to repair muscle tissue and maximize recovery. For most people life is too busy to prepare high-protein meals everyday. Having a protein shake makes it easy to hit your optimal protein intake.

For most people choose a whey or blended protein. For weight loss, try a fat burning protein. For maximum muscle gain, consider a fast digesting isolate protein, mass gainer, or a extended-release casein protein before bed. If you have a restricted diet, we have a range of vegan protein, gluten-free, and lactose-free protein.

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Protein for muscle gain:

Protein is essential when it comes to building muscle. Hitting the optimal protein intake of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight will mean your body has enough nutrients to adequately repair itself so your hard work in the gym doesn’t go to waste.

Protein is made up of amino acids. There are 20 amino acids, 9 of which are classified as essential amino acids (EAAs) and need to be consumed through your diet as the body cannot synthesize enough on its own. Not all foods contain a complete amino acid profile, a good protein powder formula will contain all 9 of these essential amino acids, this will help ensure optimal recovery and muscle growth.

Protein for weight loss

Adding extra protein to your diet can help you lose fat due to the thermic effect of protein, this is the energy required for digestion and absorption of ingested nutrients. Protein is the most thermic of the 3 macronutrients with estimates of 20-35% of calories being burned through processing. To put this in perspective, carbohydrates burn through 5-15% and fats a mere 0-15%. This means that by simply shuffling around your macronutrients to increase your protein intake that you can actually burn more calories through the process of thermogenesis.

Types of protein powder


Whey is the most common form of protein powder, it is the cheapest and most suitable choice of protein powder for the majority of individuals.

Whey protein is extremely popular amongst active individuals as it helps build lean muscle, supports recovery and encourages muscle protein synthesis (MPS) to help support muscle hypertrophy which in return can result in increased strength.

Being a fast-acting protein allows for quick absorption and is ideally taken after workouts when your muscles most want to repair and recover.

Whey Isolate

Whey Isolate is the fastest digesting form of protein powder. It is most optimal post-workout for an immediate hit of protein in order to maximize your rate of recovery. Whey isolate contains the lowest amount of sugar, fat and carbohydrates. This makes it the preferred choice of protein for those who are sensitive to lactose or for those who desire maximum control over their macronutrients.

Having the highest amount of amino acids, more rapid absorption than whey, and an easier to digest formula, isolate protein is a high-quality source of protein that is critical in the building and repairing of your muscles.

Blended Protein

Blended protein contains a premium mixture of fast, intermediate and slow-digesting proteins for a sustained release of protein. These protein blends often contain additional glutamine and digestive enzymes to enhance absorption, gut health, and recovery. A great option for a more rounded formula to use at any time of the day.

Proteins that are released and digested over a longer period of time are perfect for nourishing your muscles throughout the day or night. These protein blends contain a mix of whey, egg albumen, milk protein, casein and are loaded full of amino acids, including glutamine to ensure effective digestion and rapid muscle recovery. With their fast, intermediate and slow absorption phases, blended proteins will also help keep you satiated for longer.

Fat loss

Maintain lean muscle mass while burning fat. Meet your protein intake requirements with fewer calories. With added ingredients to enhance metabolism and weight loss, a thermogenic protein is an excellent option for those who want to both build muscle and burn fat.

Thermogenic proteins are specifically designed to target fat loss while building lean muscle. If you want to kickstart your weight loss endeavours, a thermogenic protein is the one for you.

With fewer calories than other protein powders and the addition of fat burning ingredients such as L-carnitine, green tea and medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) this leads to an excellent fat burning combination. These protein powders are extremely popular as they are low in calories and carbohydrates and help to maximise energy throughout the day. Try it for yourself and see the results.


Casein Protein

Casein is the slowest digesting form of protein, With a slow release over several hours, it is perfect to take before bed or for those who have an erratic schedule and sometimes are not always able to get in a high protein meal. Due to the nature of casein and its slow rate of absorption, it offers you a sustained release of protein and effective recovery as it feeds your muscles over a longer period of time. Casein is a great protein to add to your muscle building and recovery routine.

Vegan Protein

Whether you are vegan, prone to food allergies, or simply seeking a more natural source of protein that is gluten, soy, and lactose-free; we have a range of plant-based proteins containing only natural ingredients such as pea protein, brown rice protein, artichoke protein and more.

Mass Gainers

High-calorie protein shakes with additional carbohydrates, healthy fats, and muscle building ingredients such as creatine. The perfect solution for hard gainers who struggle to meet their caloric needs for the day.

Whether you want to bulk up for Winter or add some size for your next competition, we have you covered with our wide range of Mass Gainers.


Collagen has been shown to improve several aspects of the human body. In particular, joints, tendons and ligaments, hair, skin as well as nails. As we age, we begin to produce less collagen, it is for this reason that we maintain optimal collagen levels to ensure adequate health and recovery. Collagen protein is a great supplement to consume orally but is often also applied to the skin topically in beauty applications.

Even though collagen protein is a protein powder, it is not a direct replacement for whey protein. This is due to the amino acid structure. Whey protein is much higher in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) and is much more of an anabolic protein resulting in muscular hypertrophy. Collagen protein, on the other hand, has maximal benefits on other aspects of your health, for optimal results, stack whey protein with collagen protein, collagen protein is often unflavoured so can be mixed right in with whey protein.