MuscleTech Amino Build Next Gen Energized 30 serve

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Clinically Dosed, Performance-Enhancing BCAA with Betaine & Energy
  • First Dose Energy, Focus & Muscle Performance*
  • Test Subjects Built 3.75 Lbs. of Lean Muscle*
  • Shown in Research to Boost Strength by 40%


Clinically Dosed, BCAA with Energy
MuscleTech® researchers have taken their most powerful amino acid formula ever, and made it even better. AMINO BUILD® NEXT GEN ENERGIZED features instantized BCAAs, clinically dosed betaine, powerful cell volumizers and is enhanced with naturally-sourced, energy-boosting caffeine, as well as coconut water and watermelon juice. Unlike inferior products that are underdosed and gimmicky amino acids and no studies to back up their claims, AMINO BUILD® NEXT GEN ENERGIZED is backed by 4 different clinical studies that demonstrate its muscle-, strength- and performance-enhancing abilities.*

Enhances Energy, Focus and Endurance with the First Dose
Featuring naturally-sourced caffeine, AMINO BUILD® NEXT GEN ENERGIZED delivers and instant boost of energy, focus and intensity.* Plus, it delivers a 1g clinical dose of taurine (in 2 scoops), which has been shown to improve performance in endurance athletes.*

Build 3.75 Lbs. of Muscle
Test subjects who supplemented with the exact dose of betaine in 2 scoops of AMINO BUILD® NEXT GEN ENERGIZED (2.5g) built 3.75 lbs. of lean muscle in 6 weeks compared to 0.66 lbs. by the placebo group. That's over 5.5 times the muscle gained (vs. the placebo). Betaine has also been shown in a separate study to enhance muscle endurance.*

Increase Strength by Over 40%
AMINO BUILD® NEXT GEN ENERGIZED is precisely formulated with a 4g dose of L-leucine (in 2 scoops) shown in a clinical study to help subjects increase their 5-rep max strangth by over 40%!