- Strong Hybrid Drug Fat Burner
- Burn Body Fat
- Increase Fat Burning Hormone Output
- Sustained All Day Energy
- Support Weight Loss
- Decrease Appetite
- Fat Loss Formula
- Boost Metabolism
Hybrid-Drug is a term used to describe compounds or ingredients in nature, which when combined, act to deliver even more powerful results.
The researchers developing Ripped Freak have managed to manipulate some of the hybrid compounds to produce the powerful Ripped Freak fat burner, making it one of the most potent fat burners on the market today.
Within 45 minutes of consuming ripped freak, you will begin to feel the powerful effects of this hardcore fat burner, as your body’s fat burning mechanisms start kicking into overdrive.
The team here at Xplosiv Supplements have tried samples of Ripped Freak, and we got to say “this is one kick ass product”.
But don’t just take our word for it..Try Xplosiv Supplements Ripped Freak for yourself..and GET RIPPED!
Please Note This is 28 Capsules not 10 capsules per pack
Dosage Instructions for Ripped Freak :
Take 1-2 capsules per day half an hour before food on an empty stomach with a glass of water.
Caution :Ripped Freak's formulation is so potent that even 1 capsule per day is usually enough for even hardcore supplement users.
This is a Hardcore Fat Burner... Do not exceed 2 capsules per day.
Each Box should last 30 - 60 days if correct dosage is followed.
* This product may contain ingredients restricted by certain sporting organisations. User must read the label clearly and assume all risks, liabilites or consequences through use of the product. Not intended for use by individuals under 18.