Radiance Supergreens + Cacao

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What is it?

• Cacao based superfood powder containing 14 ingredients

• A super blast of cacao in a base of green powders, probiotics, protein & fibre

• Great tasting super nutrition for the whole family

What benefits does it have?

• Super high antioxidants for healthy aging

• Magnesium & a phytochemical called anandamide support a happy mood

• Iron and theobromine for energy support

• Protein for growth, development, repair & satiety

• Probiotics & fibre for healthy digestion & regularity

• Hidden green foods for alkalizing & cleansing


SIZE: 100g


Adults – Dissolve 10g (2 teaspoons) into 200ml-300ml of water or the milk of your choice (almond, rice, soy, skim) and enjoy daily. You can also add to your favourite shake, smoothie or sprinkle on your muesli or cereal.

Children 5-12 years – As a healthy alternative to flavoured milk or milkshake that your kids will love, mix 5g (1 teaspoon) into 200ml of milk of their choice for a nutritious chocolate milkshake.