Titan Gainer 5lb - Clean Mass Gainer

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Key Points:   

  • High Carbs
  • Weight Gain
  • Great Flavours
  • Gluten & Soy Free
  • 25g Protein
  • 50 Grams of Carbohyrdates

Titan Mass Gainer; a delicious mass gainer which will Dominate the mass gainer market. Titan Mass Gainer is a unique mass gainer as it’s more of a lean muscle gainer. Most mass gainers are high in carbohydrates with a small amount of protein, however Titan Mass Gainer gives you a 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein, so you get 2 carbs for any 1 protein which is ideal for building lean muscle. It is made up of clean carbohydrates in the form of rice flour and pea starch, in addition to waxy maize. Although it only comes in a 5lb tub, you are roughly getting the same amount of serves that is in a big bag of mass gainer for the fraction of the price

Titan Gainer