Pre Workout

Pre Workout

Pre-Workout supplements boost your energy, strength, endurance, and focus for powerful workout sessions. In order to build more muscle; you must first break it down. By pushing harder during your workout you can anticipate greater results, both inside the gym and out. Expect unparalleled levels of mental focus and alertness, skyrocketing energy levels, and vein-popping vascular pumps.

Choose a pre-workout supplement based on your stimulant tolerance, we have a selection of low, moderate and extreme strength. If you don’t want a stimulant, try either a pump or an endurance supplement.

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  1. Category
    Extreme Stimulant
Shopping Options
  1. Acai Berry 1 item
  2. America Pop 1 item
  3. Apple Blackcurrant 1 item
  4. Arctic Blue Slush 1 item
  5. Arctic Slushy 1 item
  6. Berry Blast 1 item
  7. Black Cherry Limeade 1 item
  8. Blackberry Lemonade 1 item
  9. Blood Orange 1 item
  10. Blue Bombsicle 1 item
  11. Blue Lime 1 item
  12. Blue Pearl 1 item
  13. Blue Raspberry 9 items
  14. Blue Razz 2 items
  15. Blue Sharkberry 1 item
  16. Boba Tea 1 item
  17. Brown Sugar 1 item
  18. Cherry Bomb 1 item
  19. Cherry Limade 1 item
  20. Cherry Limeade 2 items
  21. Cherry Ring Pop 1 item
  22. Citrus Bomb 2 items
  23. Cola 3 items
  24. Concord Candy 1 item
  25. Cotton Candy 1 item
  26. Crazy Cotton Candy 1 item
  27. Creaming Soda 1 item
  28. Electric Fizz Lemon Lime 1 item
  29. Electric Mango 1 item
  30. Epidemic Energy 1 item
  31. Freedom Ice 1 item
  32. Freedom Rocks 1 item
  33. Fruit Burst 2 items
  34. Fruit Punch 4 items
  35. Fruit Punch Fury 1 item
  36. Furious Punch 1 item
  37. Ghost Drop 1 item
  38. Glacier Grape 1 item
  39. Glitch Blue Raspberry 1 item
  40. Golden Shower 1 item
  41. Gory Green Lemonade 1 item
  42. Granny Smith 1 item
  43. Grape 3 items
  44. Grape Soda 1 item
  45. Grape Xplosion 1 item
  46. Green Apple 5 items
  47. Green Haze 1 item
  48. Gruesome Grape 2 items
  49. Icy Blue Razz 1 item
  50. Italian Ice 1 item
  51. Jaw Breaker 1 item
  52. Kiwi Blueberry 1 item
  53. Lemon Drop 1 item
  54. Lemon Lime 1 item
  55. Lethal Lime Fizz 1 item
  56. Lime 1 item
  57. Limited Edition - Gold Medal Grape 1 item
  58. Limited Edition Black Fire 1 item
  59. Limited Edition Orange Firm 1 item
  60. Limited Edition White Snow 1 item
  61. Mallow 1 item
  62. Mandarin Mango 1 item
  63. Mango 4 items
  64. Mango Passionfruit 1 item
  65. Mayhem Mango 1 item
  66. Melon Candy 1 item
  67. Mimosa 1 item
  68. Orange Crush 1 item
  69. Orange Krushd 1 item
  70. Orange Mango 2 items
  71. Orange Mango Madness 1 item
  72. Orange Pineapple 1 item
  73. Paradise Punch 1 item
  74. Passionfruit 2 items
  75. Passionfruit Slice 1 item
  76. Peach Blast 1 item
  77. Peach Mango 2 items
  78. Peach Mango Punch 1 item
  79. Peach Rings 1 item
  80. Phantom Drop 2 items
  81. Pineapple 4 items
  82. Pineapple Juice 1 item
  83. Pineapple Mango 1 item
  84. Pineapple Orange Mango 1 item
  85. Pink Bits 1 item
  86. Pink Lemonade 3 items
  87. Pink Splash 1 item
  88. Plum Fusion 1 item
  89. Poisonous Passionfruit 1 item
  90. Possessed Pineapple Mango 1 item
  91. Purple Reign 1 item
  92. Raging Rainbow Lolly 1 item
  93. Rainbow Candy 3 items
  94. Rainbow Sherbet 2 items
  95. Rainbow Unicorn 1 item
  96. Raspberry 3 items
  97. Raspberry Lime Mojito 1 item
  98. Raspberry Ripper 2 items
  99. Raspberry Slushie 1 item
  100. Red Candy Sticks 1 item
  101. Red Russian 1 item
  102. Red Sour Straps 2 items
  103. Ruthless Raspberry Sour 1 item
  104. Sherbert Twista 1 item
  105. Snow Cone 2 items
  106. Sour Berry 1 item
  107. Sour Gummy Bear 1 item
  108. Sour Peach 1 item
  109. Sour Punch Blue Raz 1 item
  110. Sour Watermelon 3 items
  111. Star Pop 1 item
  112. Strawberry Acai 1 item
  113. Strawberry Kiwi 3 items
  114. Strawberry Lemonade 3 items
  115. Strawberry Mango 1 item
  116. Strawberry Mango Daiquiri 1 item
  117. Strawberry Pineapple 2 items
  118. Strawberry Squeeze 1 item
  119. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Ooze 1 item
  120. Tigers Blood 1 item
  121. Tigers Blood Special Edition 1 item
  122. Tiki Punch Pineapple 1 item
  123. Tropical Beach 1 item
  124. Tropical Cyclone 1 item
  125. Tropical Knockout 1 item
  126. Tropical Paradise 1 item
  127. Tropical Punch 1 item
  128. Tropicana Tropical Punch 1 item
  129. Ultra Psyclone 1 item
  130. V-Trigger 1 item
  131. Vanilla Cola 2 items
  132. Vice City 1 item
  133. Vicious Vanilla Cola 1 item
  134. Watermelon 6 items
  135. Watermelon And Dragonfruit 1 item
  136. Watermelon Margarita 1 item
  137. Wicked Watermelon 1 item
  138. Wild Grape 1 item
  139. Yellow Fever 1 item
Set Descending Direction
  1. Zombie Labs Cross-Eyed Pre-Workout - 40 Serves
  2. Staff Pick
    ANS Performance Ritual - 30 Serves
    ANS Performance Ritual - 30 Serves
    Save $25.00
    $1.50 per serving
  3. Redcon1 Total War - 30 Serves
    15% OFF
    Redcon1 Total War - 30 Serves
    Save $10.49
  4. PVL Domin8 Pre-Workout 520g
    PVL Domin8 Pre-Workout 520g
    $4.00 per serving
  5. Zombie Labs Infected Pre-Workout - 40 Serves
  6. Inspired DVST8 Pre-Workout
    Inspired DVST8 Pre-Workout
    $3.00 per serving
  7. Xplosiv Ping Xtreme Pre-Workout - 30/60 Serves
    Xplosiv Ping Xtreme Pre-Workout - 30/60 Serves
    Save $10.00
    $1.17 per serving
  8. Faction Labs Disorder Pre-Workout
    Faction Labs Disorder Pre-Workout
    $1.40 per serving
  9. ANS Performance Prophecy Pre-Workout
    ANS Performance Prophecy Pre-Workout
    Save $25.00
    $2.75 per serving
  10. Mutant Madness All-in Pre-Workout
    Mutant Madness All-in Pre-Workout
    Save $31.98
    $2.67 per serving
  11. Rule 1 Pre Lift 30 Serves
    Rule 1 Pre Lift 30 Serves
    $2.67 per serving
  12. Nexus Sports Nutrition Per4m Variety Pack
  13. GAT Sport Nitraflex Pre-Workout
    GAT Sport Nitraflex Pre-Workout
    $2.33 per serving

Pre-Workout supplements are designed to increase your performance at the gym. Typically they come in a powdered form in a small tub with a scoop. About 30min before your workout, add the pre-workout powder into a shaker with water, giving it a quick shake to dissolve. Always read the label first for dosage instructions. If you have a low tolerance for stimulants or it’s your first time using pre-workout, it is advised to try a half serving first. These supplements contain ingredients which will increase energy, blood flow and endurance, strength and also act as nootropics to ensure laser focus during your workouts.

Effects of Pre-Workout


Caffeine is the number one ingredient in Pre-Workouts; Caffeine is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant that improves cognitive function, takes away feelings of tiredness and improves athletic performance.


When the amino acid L-theanine is combined with caffeine it produces a pronounced synergistic effect that leads to heightened focus, awareness and results in increased levels of energy, and reduced levels of stress.

Tyrosine is a highly effective nootropic found in the majority of Pre-Workouts - Tyrosine is used to improve cognitive function, focus, reduce stress and improve overall alertness allowing you to stay sharp between the ears during your workouts.


Creatine and beta-alanine are two of the most common ingredients found in Pre-Workouts. This is due to the fact that creatine has been clinically shown to increase athletic performance and muscle strength.

Beta-alanine has proved effective when it comes to increasing athletic performance and exercise endurance. It achieves this by elevating levels of carnosine and reducing levels of lactic acid build up in the body.

Endurance & Pump

Ingredients such as citrulline, arginine and agmatine are known as 'Nitric Oxide boosters' - These lead to improved blood flow in the body which then pumps more blood into the muscle stimulating what is known as 'the pump' producing greater muscular contractions and increased vascularity.

With increased blood flow this means more oxygen is carried through the body which will improve endurance. Carbohydrate powders and amino acids are great for improving the quality of your workouts - These supplements can be taken anytime of the day but are most popular Intra-Workout as they fuel the body and prevent it from going catabolic allowing you to work harder for longer.