RSP Nutrition Prime-T 120 Tablets

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The Science

3200mg D Aspartic Acid
• Amino acid regulator of testosterone synthesis*
• May act on stimulatory receptor - NMDA*
• Promotes natural release of luteinizing, follicle stimulating and growth hormone*
• Aids in promoting gains in lean muscle, strength & training recovery*
500mg Fenugreek
• High furostanolic saponins; Phytochemicals that support luteinizing hormone from pituitary gland*
• Shown to directly stimulate testosterone production by increasing enzymes*
• Supports free testosterone levels by preventing binding of SHBG*
• Supports reduction of conversion of testosterone to estrogen & DHT (dihydrotestosterone)*
300mg Maca Extract (maca root)
• Also referred to as Peruvian Ginseng*
• Shown to potentially increase libido and sexual desire*
• Potential to increase male fertility*

250mg 3,3’ Diindolylmethane (DIM)
• Component of Indole-3-carbinol; Found in members of the Brassica Family; Formed in digestive tract from indole glucosinate*
• Potent effects on estrogen metabolism and is able to aid in keeping body balanced
• Can inhibit aromatase enzyme and act to reduce estrogen potency; Helps to convert estrogen to weakest form (2-hydroxyestrone)*
250mg Safed Musli Extract
• Rasayana herb used as aphrodisiac and adaptogen*
• Has been shown to have immunomodulatory effects, leading supporting immune health*
• Shown to potentially increase sex drive and stamina via increasing testosterone production in men*

100mg Boron Citrate
• Dietary mineral that plays crucial role in a variety of biological functions*
• May aid in increasing free testosterone levels*
• Shown to reduce circulating estrogen*
• Assists with proper metabolism of calcium, magnesium & phosphorus*
RSP Prime-T