5 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Energy to the Next Level

Posted in: Wellness


Do you struggle to get out of bed in the morning? Do you feel motivated and achieve what you set out to achieve each day with enthusiasm and energy? Or are you tired of being tired??

In this article we are going to look at 5 simple, sure fire ways to increase your energy and love the life you live.  


Sleep duration and quality is the most effective predictor of energy the next day. If you are feeling lethargic, grumpy or tired this should be your priority¹

Sleep cycles are made up of 4 parts over 90 minutes. If you repeat through these cycles 5 times a night you will get 7.5 hours sleep which is optimal for adults. 

Simply achieving 7.5 hours of unbroken sleep can be life changing for daily energy and motivation. However, its easier said than done and requires some planning. 

Here are some quick tips to get the best sleep. For more detail on managing stress and enhancing sleep click here.

  • Sleep before midnight is 2x more beneficial than after midnight.
  • Plan to be in bed 8 hours before you need to wake up. 30 minutes to doze off and get settled. 
  • Use Magnesium. Magnesium has been shown to improve sleep quality and increase energy through the day².
  • Read a book to wind down. Don’t rely on digital games, social media or watching TV³.
  • Don’t eat within 2 hours of bedtime. The digestion and blood sugar fluctuations can break your sleep. 
  • Don’t drink too much water before bed. Getting up to go to the toilet can disrupt quality sleep. 
  • Reduce alcohol. Even though it is a sedative it can prevent delta (deep) sleep where recovery happens
  • Reduce caffeine and stimulants after 2pm. Caffeine will still be in your system 6-8 hours after consumption. 
  • Use Ashwagandha. This Ayurvedic herb has been shown to reduce cortisol and promote better sleep quality

Pro Tip: ADRENAL SWITCH™ is your go to product containing Ashwagandha and Magnesium to reduce stress, improve sleep and increase energy the next day! 


There is an old saying… “Nothing attracts a crowd like a crowd”. Here is a new one for you… “Nothing creates energy like energy!!”

Regular exercise is more effective for reducing anxiety than the top 5 anti-depressant medications. When you’re anxious you are running in the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight). Being in this state is exhausting and exercise helps you bump out of this state after the physical exertion is completed. 

In fact, one study found that sedentary people with persistent tiredness and fatigue reduced their tiredness by 65% with regular exercise. In another study, just 10 minutes of walking increased energy more than a sugary snack

So, get away from your desk for 10 minutes each hour and go for a walk or do some movement that increases your heart rate and improves your blood flow. 


When you’re tired, it’s sometimes appealing to reach for a sugary snack to boost your energy. Unfortunately, the energy this snack provides will be short lived and it will leave you more tired than when you started. 

When you get a rise in blood sugar your body releases insulin to push the sugar out of the blood and into cells. This may result in greater body fat gain and a subsequent drop in blood sugar that is associated with tiredness and fatigue

Pro Tip: If you need something sweet but sugar free that will boost energy, focus and reduce hunger, try KETO SWITCH™ added to soda water or a glass of ice-cold water. Ketones found in KETO SWITCH™ boost BDNF (Brain Derived Nootropic Factor) which enhances focus, learning and working memory. 


Caffeine is often the stimulant of choice. It will pick up your energy levels unless you use too much, too often, or too late in the day. 

Too much caffeine too often can create a resistance. Maybe you used to have one coffee a day and feel awesome and now it takes 4 cups a day to get that same feeling.

This means your body just doesn’t respond as well as it used to. To overcome this you can reduce your caffeine consumption (not much fun), or you can use products that contain adaptogens that will help improve adrenal receptor sensitivity. 

Adaptogens are a class of compounds that allow your body to adapt to stress and improve your bodies response to stimulants (caffeine). 

Here are the top 4 best adaptogens and where you can find them…

Some of these products listed have a combination of caffeine and adaptogens which will boost your energy way beyond caffeine alone. However, remember not to have caffeine too late or it could disrupt your sleep.

Pro Tip: For productivity, energy, mood and focus try replacing your morning coffee with COFFEE SWITCH™. This is a single origin Colombian arabica coffee with added herbs and adaptogens. You will be blown away by the difference. 


Your body is made up of approx. 65% water and your brain is closer to 75% water, so dehydration can profoundly effect mental cognition and energy performance. 

In fact, a 2% loss of fluid can result in a 20% drop in performance. Another study showed a 1.59% loss of fluid resulted in poorer working memory, greater fatigue and feelings of anxiety. 

Caffeine and alcohol can have diuretic effect. This means they can increase urination and loss of fluid. 

Pro Tip: If you don’t like drinking water regularly maybe try adding KETO SWITCH™ or AMINO SWITCH™ into your water through the day or during your workouts. Both products contain electrolytes to help support hydration and encourage thirst. 


Focus your efforts on getting more quality sleep as this is half the battle. During waking hours try to move as much as you can and eat food that has a healthy balance of macros and not too much sugar or carbs. 

Increase your micronutrient intake with a product like VITALITY SWITCH™ as these micro’s have a huge impact on energy metabolism. 

Finally, if you are going to drink coffee or caffeinated beverages make sure they contain adaptogens and are not consumed too close to bed (at least 6-8 hours before). 

Disclaimer: The above article is merely a guide and is in no way a recommendation or a treatment protocol for any health conditions or diseases. You should always consult with a qualified health care provider before changing your supplement, training, or nutritional strategy. Formulated Supplementary Sports Foods must not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women, anyone consuming prescription medication or children under the age of 15 unless advised by a qualified health care provider. 

2021-07-11 22:30:00
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