How does the PING range compare?

After being in the pre-workout market for more than a decade, we knew it was time to take the best of everything we’d learned and craft our own pre-workout formulas that delivered on both their ingredients and their taste. And so, Ping was born.

Ping has been designed to be a well-balanced, hard-hitting formula that contains everything you need to get you through tough workouts, relying on our knowledge of the newest and most cutting-edge ingredients in the pre-workout world, as well as the long standing, tried and true ingredients that simply work. We also took things one step further and developed an even more potent version of our original formula, Ping Extreme, for the hardcore among us who are looking for something insane.

To give you options, Ping and Ping Extreme are both available in powder form, and as an RTD. So, what exactly is the difference between them?


Both Ping and Ping Extreme powders come in a 60 serve size. We wanted them to be customizable depending on stimulant tolerance and preference, so the 60 serves applies to 1 scoop for Ping, or a ½ scoop for Ping Extreme. If you’re used to taking pre-workouts and want an extra edge, then you can increase the dose to 2 scoops for Ping, or 1 full scoop for Ping Extreme.


Ping and Ping Extreme both feature the endurance ingredient beta-alanine- typically known for the tingling feeling it gives- that helps you train harder, for longer. Ping Extreme contains a full, clinical dose to increase the effect and elevate your stamina for even the toughest workouts. Our original Ping formula also includes Betaine for increased training performance and endurance, an ingredient that is often compared to creatine for its ability to improve power and stimulate water-based pumps. In Ping Extreme, the extra addition of Taurine contributes to increased exercise performance by reducing the onset of fatigue and enhancing muscular contractions.



A major difference between Ping and Ping Extreme in terms of their energy enhancing effect is the caffeine level. For those who like a good caffeine hit, a full 1 scoop serve of Ping Extreme contains 350mg of caffeine (175mg per ½ scoop). With an extended-release formula and the inclusion of L-theanine, however, any caffeine crash or jitters are reduced for a smooth energy ride that continues long after other pre-workouts wear off. Ping comes in slightly lower at 105mg for 1 scoop, or 210mg for a 2 scoop serve, for those who prefer a slightly lower caffeine level within a balanced formula. Both Ping and Ping Extreme formulas include tyrosine for improved mental alertness, with a higher dose in Ping Extreme. Ping Extreme also has the addition of both theobromine and English Walnut Extract for the ultimate feel-good mood. English Walnut Fruit is a natural stimulant that fires up your energy and focus and is known for its ability to provide a euphoric buzz.



Increased blood flow and nutrient delivery to working muscles are essential to any pre-workout formula. When blood flow is increased, not only do muscles receive more of the vital nutrients, amino acids, and oxygen they need for performance and growth, recovery time post-workout is also reduced. Ping includes the popular L-citrulline, which is converted in the body to the nitric oxide precursor arginine, whereas Ping Extreme includes L-arginine directly. Increased nitric oxide levels lead to increased vasodilation (greater size, elasticity, and carrying capacity of blood vessels), resulting in you achieving enhanced pumps, vascularity, and the all-important blood flow. 



If you like the convenience of having your pre-workout ready to take on the go, then both Ping and Ping Extreme are also available in an RTD form. Each retain the same formula as their powdered version and are equivalent to taking either 1 scoop of Ping or 1 scoop of Ping Extreme. They differ in size, with the original Ping RTD coming in a 250mL can, compared to a 440mL can for Ping Extreme. Caffeine wise this equates to a 105mg hit for the Ping RTD, or a 350mg hit for the Ping Extreme RTD. Ping RTDs come in five flavours, and Ping Extreme RTDs are available in four different flavours. 

Shop the entire PING range here

2022-04-12 03:47:00
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